So long, and thanks for all the Johns

As Th!nk About It is over and I now have a job, it is unlikely that I will be posting much – at all – anymore.

I can only apologise to the (two) people eagerly anticipating the third, fourth and fifth parts to Broadcast Bingo that are destined never to happen.

Indeed, as I have repeatedly said, this blog was meant to be a “showcase for employers”; I’m not going to read too much into the fact that the only people who offered me a job were the ones unaware of this blog’s existence.

Thanks, then, to my tens of readers – but especially thanks to ‘John’ and his inspiring comment on my ‘About’ section, without which self-indulgent blogging may still be floating my boat today…

2 comments so far

  1. studentjournalist on

    Hey Kat, I hope you include me in the people waiting for the subsequent Broadcast Bingo updates!

    Congratulations on the job! That’s fantastic news. What is it???

  2. Telegraph Reader on

    Well that is another era over.
    I hope the next one gives you as many laughs and stories as the last one. TWO periods at Uni, not many can claim that! AND both successful, I understand.
    With your wit and talent I hope it is journalistic, and you continue to pursue the truth, European expenses aside. Newly qualified, I bet your accomodation is smaller than some duck houses. Go political and cover your costs!

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